published at: 24/08/2023


Market Report 08/2023

In recent days, the "official" estimates for the 2023 hop harvest took place in all German hop-growing regions. More details can be found in our current market report.


The results are as follows:

Growing Region

Final Weigh-In 2022

Estimate Harvest 2023



29.152,31 T

35.250,00 T

+20,9 %


2.301,75 T

2.360,00 T

+2,5 %

Elbe Saale

2.528,62 T

2.928,00 T

+15,8 %


410,96 T

550,00 T

+33,8 %

Rhineland-Palatinate / Bitburg

12,20 T

22,00 T

+80,3 %


34.405,84 T

41.110,00 T

+19,5 %

Please note when comparing these numbers that the 2022 harvest was significantly below average. Even the estimated 41,110 T for the 2023 harvest does not represent an average harvest.

Despite weather extremes ranging from long dry spells to heavy rain and storms, the growing regions were largely spared from major damage.

The crops are mostly healthy.

The cultivation area increased marginally by 24 hectares, now totaling approximately 20,630 hectares.

The early hop varieties (HAL, NBR, HTR, OPL, PER, SIR) likely did not benefit from the rains at the end of July. I expect slightly below-average alpha acid values for these varieties again.

For the late aroma varieties (HEB and others) as well as the "high-alpha" varieties (HKS, HMG, HTU), I remain optimistic and expect at least average alpha acid values.

According to a notification from HOPFENRING, the recommended harvest period for early varieties is from August 30 to September 4, 2023. This is significantly later than last year.


In Poland, a normal harvest with average yields and alpha acid values is expected. The harvest has not yet begun.


Slovenia was hit by severe flooding in early August. Based on the information I have, no hop gardens were affected. The harvest will begin in the coming days.

Czech Republic

The main Saaz variety struggled with the prolonged drought. Alpha acid values are below average. The harvest has already begun.


Good news is coming from the USA. Throughout the entire growing season, there was sufficient water for irrigation, so good yields and alpha acid values are expected.

The cultivation area was reduced by a total of 2,000 hectares. 3,600 hectares of aroma varieties were removed from production, while 1,600 hectares of bitter hops were newly planted.